An essential element of MPS Monitor is the eXplorer Data Collection Agent (DCA) for Windows.
This component must be installed on a PC or server in the LAN of the customer and performs reading operations according to the guidelines provided by the server component on the MPS Monitor Portal.
Information are transmitted to the Server components using only the HTTPS protocol.
The eXplorer DCA uses, for reading, the SNMP protocol. It is an essential requirement for the performance of the service that the eXplorer DCA has Internet access via HTTPS to the Server components.
Printer data collection is performed using the software eXplorer DCA, which has the following technical details and functionality:
No access can be made, in any case, from outside towards the internal network of the Customer. Consequently, the eXplorer DCA installation within the customer network does not involve any risk to the safety of the network.
The minimum hardware requirements for the PC / Server hosting the eXplorer DCA are followings:
CPU: Pentium 4
HD space: 50 MB
Recommended hardware requirements are:
CPU: Dual core
HD space: 100 MB
The PC / Server does not need to be dedicated, and can be used simultaneously for other uses. eXplorer DCA runs completely in the background and the users of the PC / Server are not affected for other applications in any way.
The PC / Server must have a constant access to Internet via HTTPS and via UDP to reach printers to handle.
eXplorer DCA has a scan speed proportional to hardware made available and depending on how much you will use it; indeed, on very large networks and hardware with high power, you can execute a configuration with high parallelism, which reduces drastically the time of data collection.
eXplorer DCA is certified on any Windows operating system from 2003 / XP and up. It can be installed also on Linux or Apple Mac systems; for details, please go to this page.
If you wish to install the Embedded DCA onboard on a Multifunction device, please go to this page.
On the Windows system must be present Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 Full. The .Net Framework 4.0 Full installation can be done before the eXplorer 3 installation or during the same, indifferently. The eXplorer DCA installation will not be completed without .Net Framework 4.0 Full.
At the end of the .Net Framework 4 full installation, the system may require a restart, or it could conclude the procedure also without the reboot; this aspect, which is not predictable a priori, depends on the version of Windows, on operating environment, and on the update degree of the same, and is in no way related to the installation of eXplorer DCA; on a system where the .Net Framework 4.0 Full is already present, the eXplorer DCA installation never requires any restart.
Therefore we recommend you to consider, especially if you work on a Windows Server platform not recently updated, and on which there are other services in production, that may be required by Windows a system restart at the end of the.Net Framework 4.0 Full installation.
The eXplorer DCA installation doesn’t require neither the installation, nor the configuration of any other particular software component (e.g. Database, Web server, etc.), as all the functions of data management and Web application are made by the Web Portal or the APIs.
eXplorer DCA must be hosted on a system that has constant access via HTTPS (port 443 outbound), also if only to URL https://* and to https://* It is not required, nor necessary, the access to other sites or Internet addresses, nor the enabling of other outgoing protocols.
It’s not necessary any inbound access, nor the activation of any communication protocol from outside towards the internal customer network.
Therefore is not required any specific configuration on Firewall, nor on security infrastructure of the Customer.
In case that the Internet access via HTTPS is managed through a Proxy Server:
The specific Proxy user credentials are required during the eXplorer DCA installation.
The credentials (username and password) for the HTTPS access through Proxy are saved by eXplorer DCA, in encrypted form, exclusively on the Customer’s system; they are never transmitted to the MPS Monitor Cloud Server or to other sites outside of the Customer’s network, and are never visible to staff which have access to the Customer’s system.
The installation procedure of eXplorer DCA installs on the hosting system a Windows system service (MpsMonitor.eXplorer.Service) that is configured with Automatic Activation, and by default uses the Local System User for the execution of all its activities.
If the network and the hosting system don’t have any particular restrictions toward the Local System user, it’s not necessary any change to the default configuration, nor requires any additional requirement.
However, if there are special restrictions or particular Policies that prevent the activation or the service execution by the user’s Local System, it will be necessary to have a specific local user. The eXplorer DCA installation procedure will assign to this user the minimum rights needed to perform the service.